December 30, 2014

How Jeff Wilpon's Twitter Account was Accidentally Revealed

At around midnight Eastern time last night, the community known as #MetsTwitter struck again. A Twitter account called "InMetsWeTrust" stumbled upon what Appears to be the Twitter account of Mets Chief Executive Officer Jeff Wilpon

Likely by searching "Wilpon" on the social networking sight, the user came across an account called "Awilpon4" which Appears to be Jeff Wilpon's daughter Amanda. They then noticed a picture Amanda had posted wishing her father a happy birthday, which can be seen below:

Unless Amanda got her father's twitter name wrong, he appears to have an account called "Jeff Scott." His profile is private, so only those he authorizes can see his tweets, but it did not take long for his account name to spread across the Mets fan twitter community. As soon as they discovered the account, InMetsWeTrust tweeted it out to their 5,000 followers:
Disgruntled Mets fans began tweeting at Wilpon shortly after, about things like their interest in Troy Tulowitzki ...
... their general disapproval of the team ownership's tactics ...
... and the recent discrimination lawsuit filed against the ownership. 

It's safe to say that when Jeff and his daughter wake up today they will be very unhappy, and it should not be long before the account is deleted. I'm not sure what he expected when he created a twitter account with His real name and "mets" in the username.  Mets fans have, for the most part, been very unhappy with the Wilpon's management tactics for years, and while that probably peaked a couple years ago it is certainly still felt today. 

Update: It is despicable and abusive to harass Jeff's daughter as some have recently done on Twitter. I will personally be reporting each and every instance of harassment I come across and urge everyone to realize these are people and that his daughter has NOTHING to do with the team or her father's business ventures. 

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